- bushlat
- кір. бушлатбушлат
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Telogreika — (Russian: Телогрейка literally body warmer ) is the name of a type of winter uniform first issued by the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. Telogreikas continued to be issued until the early 1960 sFact|date=July 2007. Variations The basic… … Wikipedia
Afghanka — is the name of a type of field uniform developed and issued by the Soviet Army in the early 1980s. The uniform is still in use today in many different variants. Design There are both winter and summer versions of Afghanka. The summer Afghanka… … Wikipedia